Electric van trial for businesses in Daventry

Daventry District Council OfficesDaventry District Council Offices
Daventry District Council Offices
Business owners are being invited to get behind the wheel of an electric van which is to be trialled by Daventry District Council (DDC).

DDC is considering the Renault Kangoo electric van for use by its environmental health officers, as part of the council’s commitment to drive down carbon emissions.

Businesses are also being invited to have a look at the vehicle during a special test event being held at DDC’s offices in Lodge Road, Daventry on Wednesday, February 26.

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It will be a chance for people to take the vehicle on a test drive as well as finding out more about its range and technical specifications.

The opportunity follows the installation of Daventry district’s first free public charging point for electric vehicles in the Lodge Road car park at the council offices last year.

Use of the charging point, which allows owners of electric cars to recharge their vehicle for free for up to four hours in a designated parking bay, has increased since its introduction last May.

Councillor Daniel Cribbin, environment portfolio holder at DDC, said: “The council is looking into the possibility of purchasing an electric van as it could prove a great way to further reduce our carbon footprint.

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“While it is on loan to the council we wanted to give members of the business community an opportunity to see the technology for themselves.

“The Government is strongly encouraging the use of electric vehicles to help meet emission reduction targets so the trial event will hopefully help business owners who may be considering purchasing electric vans to make that decision.”

To book a slot to test drive the electric van contact Emma Parry on 01327 871100 or email eparry@daventrydc.gov.uk.

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